Spiroulina PLATENSIS: Beneficial Properties!

Σπιρουλίνα flakes με ευεργετικές ιδιότητες

Begin 2021 dynamically with Spiroulina PLATENSIS because it has all you need!

Improves immune system
It has all the necessary nutrients to shield our body such as phycocyanin & vitamin E, which are antioxidants, B-carotene, which destroys germs, zinc and selenium, which contribute to the production of white blood cells.
Did you know that…in case of sickness Spiroulina PLATENSIS accelerates the recovery? 

It has antiviral effect
It is a ‘shield’ against viruses, as it prevents them from penetrating cells. More specifically, scientific research suggests taking 15g of spirulina daily to shield the body from Covid_19. See the research here.

Contributes to detoxification
It has a high content of nutrients with antioxidant properties, such as β-carotene, vitamin E, selenium, etc. In addition, it has the most antioxidant protein, phycocyanin, which inhibits the action of free radicals and reduces the toxicity of drugs & heavy metals.

Helps in weight loss
It contains nutrients that awaken the metabolism, such as B-complex vitamins, magnesium, amino acids that activate the metabolism, fiber, etc. in addition, it is a 100% natural slimming aid, as it replenishes the deficiencies that can be created in the body & does not burden it with extra calories

Gives immediate energy
It helps to improve energy levels thanks to the many nutrients it contains, including protein (55-70%) which provides energy, iron, which gives a feeling of well-being and prevents the feeling of weakness, vitamin B complex, which improve performance , give well-being and relieve the feeling of fatigue & magnesium, which contributes to the release of energy.

ΑIncreases iron levels
It is a natural solution to problems related to iron deficiency because it contains large amounts of high bioavailable iron
Did you know that… Spiroulina PLATENSIS has more iron than the liver?

Learn more about the beneficial properties of Spiroulina PLATENSIS here!


This year we invest on our health wit Spiroulina PLATENSIS!


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